A good selection of clothing, footwear and accessories from fashion that is different - multichannel retailer.
Here’s an example of a well integrated multichannel retailer – fashionthatisdifferent.com offer a whole host of designer branded clothing, jewellery and footwear as well as accessories and homeware all from the same store. You’ll find fashionthatisdifferent offer hard to source items which are a touch above the rest in quality – product ranges such as Coeur De Lion and Noa Noa clothing vy for space with the likes of Lola Cruz shoes and Totem clothing ranges – fabulous clothing, accessories and footwear for ladies!
Fashion that is Different use a state of the art multichannel solution from Intelligent Retail which offers trading across multiple eCommerce websites, Google Products, Ebay and Amazon as well as the traditional offline trading channels. This approach is only possible because of the centrallised stock control system employing thin client technology, that is there is a local database and online database which are synchronised whenever a change is made to stock online or offline.